So far, we have had 635 views but no offers yet.
Don’t be shy, make us an offer we can’t refuse!
It would make a very special gift for the music lover in your life, and it’s for a great cause, remember.

We’re supporting Mind, Samaritans, Nordoff Robbins and Music Support so that they can continue to be there for those who need them.

The following artists have signed this guitar in the hope that you will give generously to support the great work these charities are doing:

– Andy Fairweather Low (Amen Corner and many more..)
– Boo Hewerdine, composer/musician to artists such as K.D Lang, Duke Special, David McAlmont, and Eddi Reader
– Chris Difford of Squeeze
– Geraint Watkins – Balham Alligators, Tex Pistols, Slim Chance, and many more
– Glen Matlock of the Sex Pistols
– Graham Gouldman of 10cc
– Ian Prowse of Pele, Amsterdam
– John J. O’Sullivan – A great musician name checking Bowie & Radiohead as influences
– John Wheatcroft – Professor Wheaty’s All-Stars
– ‘Loved Up’ Les Glover – the troubadour from Merseyside
– Lou & Michael of My Darling Clementine
– Luke & Victoria Oldfield of Gypsyfingers
– Martin Belmont of The Rumour & Ducks Deluxe Nick Lowe, My Darling Clementine and played with Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, Elvis Costello, Carlene Carter and mostly with Graham Parker
– Niall Kelly – Derry’s answer to great blues, country, folk & Americana
– Pete Riley from Treehouse
– Philip Rambow of The Winkies
– Ronan MacManus & Luke Dolan of Brand New Zeros
– The Christians and Yachts tunesmith Henry Priestman
– Thomas Lang – the amazing Merseyside singer, not the Austrian drummer